PRICE:Loaded onTruck, Our Warehouse,York,PA&& $5,950.00Stock # 07154-PSerial No., Modeland Capacity:UnknownHanna Hydraulic Cylinder,Model ME52HMC8.00, Serial No. H40821-A014-Post Construction,2-1/2" Diameter PostsApprox. Cylinder Stroke:5"Adjustable Stops forCylinder Travel Each Direction - Up - DownDistance Between Posts:9-5/8" F-B x 13-1/4" L-RApprox. Ram CylinderDiameter:4"Steel Block Attachedto Ram Nose is RemovableRemovable Cutting DieSetPresently has a FlatShear Blade 10-1/2" LongMaximum Height Underthe Ram Nose Block:12"Electric Foot Pedal TripControlOperation Cycles:Off - Inch - Single - ContinuousVickers Hydraulic System- Rebuilt 12 -2007Free Standing HydraulicSystem with Filter and Adjustable Pressure Controls20 HP Hydraulic SystemMotorWired for 3 Phase,60 Cycle, 230/460 VoltsPresently Wired for460 VoltsHydraulic System is Attachedto Machine Via Flexible HoseMachine has been Testedand Cycled OKOverall Machine Size:28" x 26" x 67" HighHydraulicSystem:47" x 41" x 51"Hi
PRICE:Loaded onTruck, Our Warehouse,York,PA&& $5,950.00Stock # 07154-PSerial No., Modeland Capacity:UnknownHanna H |