CONTRUCTION : BED : Made of high grade cast iron provided with strong ribs for rigidity and a arge inverted prismetic guide and hand scraoped to ensure high accuracy. TABLE : The table is composed of two parts, A Swivel table (upper part) can be swivelled and set easily on either side by means of screw and a scale. WORKHEAD : It is built for grinding both with revolving & stationary centre. Different speeds are available to suit different types of job. The workhead can be swivelled up to 90 towards wheel & 30 away from wheel for taper conical and face griding No.3 or 4 Morse taper cantion and size. On demand work spindle as per specifi-supplied fitted in Phosphorous Bronze Bearings. TAILSTOCK : The Tsilstock Center carrying spindle travels in Perfectly honed bore, it is protected from dust. The Tailstock spindle is spring loaded. WHEELHEAD : It is designed to raise efficiency and eliminates vibrarions For Fine Finish the grinding wheel spindle runs in phoshorous Bearing (Wheel side) any axial play is eliminated by two Taper Roller Bearings is (Pulleyside) Automatic Lubrication of the bearing is provided within the head at extia cost.
BED : Made of high grade cast iron provided with strong ribs for rigidity and a arge inverted prismetic guide |