The Machine Tools Division of PREMIER LTD., traces it's roots as thepioneer of Machine Tools Industry in India, way back 1941.
In 1941, the WALCHAND GROUP took controlling shares in SATARAINDUSTRIAL WORKS and changed it's name to COOPER ENGINEERING LTD.During the early years of WORLD WAR II, the British Govt.,
transferreddrawings from the well-known British machine tool company - AlfredHerbert, Coventry to "COOPER" and asked COOPER to manufacture themachines and supply them to U.K. as the Indian
contribution to the wareffort. With this COOPER pioneered the advent of machine tool buildingin India.
In 1961 production of machine tool was shifted from Satara to aseparate new plant at Chinchwad; approximately 20 kms. West of Pune.The Sixties and Seventies witnessed growth of machine
toolmanufacturing range through various technical collaborations with wellknown companies in Europe and Japan. These collaborations are now over,but the right to use the machine designs
In 1987, the machine tool division, was purchased by Premier Ltd. As apart of the corporate consolidation strategy, the COOPER brand name hasnow been changed to PREMIER