CNC Milling Equipment (1) Haas VF1
(1) Mazak PFH 4800, 22" x 20" x 20" travel, 80 tool magazine
(1) Mazak FH-480, 22" x 22" x 20" travel, 60 tool magazine
(1) Mazak Nexus 410A, 30" x 19.25" x 20" travel, 30 tool magazine
(1) Mazak Variaxis 630 5-Axis
(1) Mazak VTC-160A, 22" x 16" x 25" travel, 30 tool magazine
(1) OKK VM5ll, 22" x 13.7" x 19.1" travel, 30 tool magazine
(1)Brother TC-S2C, 19.7" x 15.7" x 11.8" travel, 14 Tool Magazine
Milling Accessories (1) Hass NC Rotary Collet Fixture-Interfaced to CNC Control|(1) Hass NC Rotary Table (12")-Interface to CNC Control|(1) Cushman Indexing Unit With Automatic Controls|(1)
Troyke Rotary Table (15")|(1) Dividing Head (12")|(2) Dividing Head (6")|(1) News Indexing Fixture|Nikken 5AX 120 5th Axis NC Rotary Table
Tolerances Positioning: +/-0.00012"
Repeatability: +/-0.00004"
Material Aluminum (bar or cast)|Cast Iron|Carbon Steel|Stainless Steel|Delrin|Polycarbonate|Nickel|Bronze|Brass|Invar|Kovar|Inconel|Hastelloy
Industries Served Aerospace
Commerical Manufacturing
Diesel Engines
Medical/Health Care
Capabilities Part Analysis Quality Control Process Equipment Finishing Equipment
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Medical devices
Satellite battery components
Fuel system components
Thermostat components
Power tool components
In a streamlined, 100% CNC Milling facility, our expert machinists use hi-tech graphical interfaces and controllers for complete control of the production process. The versatile 30 HP and 20,000 rpm spindles can accommodate both heavy-duty cutting and precision drilling operations. With a machining envelope of up to X-30, Y-22, Z-25, Boyer Machine & Tool typically custom manufactures:
From small batches to high volume production quantities, Boyer Machine & Tool custom manufactures industrial parts with advanced CNC horizontal and vertical mills. By minimizing manual
operations that lead to poor quality, the 30-80 tool magazine, multi-pallet CNC milling machines give our process the flexibility to manufacture complex parts at a single source. We exceed customer
quality expectations by following rigorous "first-part inspection" procedures and documented Statistical Process Control measures.
drilling & tapping machine |