Power Press Inclinable Type or C-Type Capacity in tons 10 20 30 50 75 100 150 Bed size in 305x458 355x558 406x609 508x660 558x762 610x915 600x1000 Distance bed to Ram 254 280 304 330 355 380 450 Punch Hole Size 28.0 30.0 38 38 38 45 50 Strokes 50.0 63.0 76 90 100 100 125 Ram Adjustment 25.4 25.4 38 45 45 50 56 Shut Height 203 216 228 241 254 280 325 Strokes Per Minute 70 60 60 50 45 40 30 Bore in Bed 100 114 127 165 175 200 200 Power Required / RPM 2 HP / 1440 3 HP / 1440 3 HP / 1440 5 HP / 1440 7.5 HP / 1440 10 HP / 1440 15 HP / 1440
Specifications of Inclinable or C-Frame Press |