The Accufast KT May be the Easiest Tabber to Set Up and Use Hands Down!
Call Now 1-866-430-2874 for more
money saving options, Like a 5 Year Warranty!
applies 1 tab per piece
tabs 15,000 pieces per hour
tabs pieces 5" to 12" wide, from 20 lb. thin to 1/4" thick, coated and uncoated
runs a variety of 1" tabs: paper & clear, circles & rectangles, with or without tractor holes
5 Year Board Warranty when purchased through All For Mailers
lowest maintenance agreement cost in its class
weighs 47 pounds
measures 10"l x 17"h x 21"w
uses 115 volts 2 amps 60 Hz or 230 volts 1 amp 50 Hz
goes in-line with ACCUFAST and other tabletop Labelers and Printers
its outstanding feature is its ability to run virtually any 1" tab, and tab virtually any piece
One pass tabbing:
the ACCUFAST KT Tabber.
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ccufast KT Tabber / Wafer Sealer
Rena T-300
The Easiest, Most Efficient Way To Tab Any Mailpiece. Used Available?
ccufast KT Tabber / Wafer Sealer Rena T-300 |