Accepts 1/4, 3/8 or 1/2 (5, 6, 9, 12mm) strap
Feed length memory
Adjustable table height
Easy strap size conversion
Capable of soft tension
Replacement parts free reel brake
Tension: Up to 88 lbs.
Power: 110 Volt Standard
Carton Sizes:
Min | Max Width: 3 1/2" | Unlimited
Min | Max Height: 1 1/4" | Unlimited
Specifications: Speed 2.5 sec/strap Weight: 190 Pounds
Max Tension: 100 lbs Strap Width: 6,9,12,15.5mm or 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 Power AC110V, 220V (50/60 HZ), Single phase
Adjustable to 35" high
36"L x 23"W x 29 1/2"H
This strapping machine is perfect for mail tray strapping in a production environment.
"We used one of these for years. Not once did we wish we had purchased a bigger, fancier, or more expensive strapper. It was the most trouble free, inexpensive piece of equipment in the shop.......MMS"
Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine 50SM1
This table top strapping machine's innovative new features include feed length memory, adjustable table height, easy strap width conversion, capability of soft tension and replacement parts free
reel brake.
Semi-Automatic Strapping Machine 50SM1 |