Note: this machine can called in different name in other markets of world or they search by different name like automatic oil liquid pouch packing machine, automatic ffs oil pouch packaging machine, automatic oil pouch filling & sealing machine, this machine is also useful to pack oil, paint, distemper, jam, gel, paste, ointment in laminated pouch.
Total power consumption 1.75 KW/Hr.
0.75 HP Motor drive (Both)
Driven by 0.25 HP, motor and reduction gear unit in this unit we used clutch break combination unit (Which is latest system) for extra strength & maintenance free requirement. No need of ordinary individual clutch break unit.
The Pouch length we maintain its accuracy by clutch break mechanism, which is separately
In this model you can keep your logo symbol in the center of pouch, because of photoelectric control system.
Fully Automatic Mechanical Pouch Packing Machine in SS Body PLC
We Introduce Photocell operated, fully automatic Oil / Viscous Liquid pouch packing machine for oil & other viscous liquid like paint, ointment, gel, distemper, jam, paste.
automatic FFS liquid oil pouch packing machine, oil pouch packaging machine, oil pouch packing machine, oil filling machine