It successfully solves the trailing, mismeasuring and wiredrawing problems caused by high viscosity, lack of fluidity and micro divulging during filling.
When operating this machine, it should be connected with material pressing machine. After pressing thick colloid into racking material barrel, operator inserts metallic pipe
or plastic tube into fixed stand. Vessel will rise from the base to feeding mouth using pneumatics. Vessel drops while filling starts, causes pressure reduce to the lowest
degree. Then the filled tube will be removed to seal.
Unique filling structure, no dripping, this machine is equipped with inert gas backfill installment. Not only does it solve trailing and pulling problems, but also
stops solidification phenomenon during filling and storing process. This machine is easy to operate, practical and guarantees the quality.
Every contact point with the material on this machine is made of high quality stainless steel material.
The every contact point with the material on this machine is made of high quality stainless steel material.