Our inserter units can be custom modified to fit into your packaging operation. Our system verifies whether the piece was inserted into your system and comes with automatic counters and alarm outputs to notify you of any issues.
This unit can be utilized to insert both over wrapped pieces and/or continuous laminated coupon material in a bandolier or roll format.
Our inserters operate at speeds up to 300 pieces per minute, utilizing the continuous perforated or non-perforated coupon format so it feeds easily and operates efficiently. Splicing allows for hours of uninterrupted production - no magazines to fill.
EPIs Coupon Inserter consistently places coupons and other promotional inserts into bags of cereal, candy, rice, coffee, and snack food or into boxes and packages of pretzels, pasta, cookies, crackers, and more.
Promotional Coupon Inserter System EPIs Coupon Inserter consistently places coupons and other promotional |