The V400 can also be used to vacuum acrylic containers, using the vacuum pump attachment which is supplied with the machine. These are perfect for keeping salads, soft fruit and chopped vegetables in top condition for up to five times longer than they would normally keep. The acrylic containers we supply are made in Germany and can be used in the fridge, freezer, microwave and dishwasher.
The V400 works with both vacuum bags and continuous rolls. It can take sizes up to 30cm wide and will remove the air from a medium sized bag (20cm x 30cm) in about 10 seconds. The V400 has a pressure gauge which accurately shows the vacuum pressure and is also supplied with a variable pressure valve which makes it possible to pack softer food items quickly and easily. The V400 has a fully automatic mode as well as a manual mode, making it a versatile and easy to use machine.
The V400 is designed for the larger restaurant or commercial kitchen. It has a steel case and is designed to stand up to hard daily use. Made in Germany and with a 2-year warranty
V400R17,835.30 R15,160.01
Save: 15% off
V400 R17,835.30 R15,160.01 Save: 15% off |