Sectors: Assembly Test & PackagingMillice distribute for Advanced Dicing Technologies Ltd. (ADT) a world leader in the development and manufacture of dicing saws and laser scribing systems, dicing blades and processes used in the dicing of silicon-based ICs, hard material Microelectronic Components (MECs) and in package singulation. ADT offers dicing equipment with a variety of capabilities and levels of automation to suit an ever-growing range of customer requirements. Combining our dicing equipment and annular dicing blades, we bring our customers a complete range of dicing solutions.Dicing Blades, Resin, Nickel & Metal bonded (sintered) Dicing flanges & Accessories Dicing Saws ADT7100 & ADT7200, Laser scriber ADT8000 Peripheral equipment, Wafer Cleaner, DI water ionizer, close loopfiltration cutting wafer, spindle coolant recirculation, manual tape curing & wafer mounter
Millice distribute for Advanced Dicing Technologies Ltd. (ADT) a world leader in the development |