A device for maintaining a tensioning in an elongate strip of plastics, when transferring the latter from one station to an other, located to opposite sides of a machine distributing slices of
foodstuff upon the strip, includes, at the first station, a dispensing device arranged in conjunction to a strip storage roller, and provided with a pivotably suspended, motor-driven feed roller
cooperating with a pinch roller. The second station comprises a shaft adapted to carry at least one tubular core for receiving the strip and is driven by a motor by way of a slipping clutch, which
permits a somewhat higher speed than that of the feed roller at the first station.
The shaft is preferably designed to carry two tubular cores, and extends cantileverwise from a bearing device. A hub receiving an inward core encloses and carries, together with a driving pinion,
part of the shaft, the pinion being mounted upon a trunnion which, in turn, is journalled in the bearing device.