General Properties
The Oz-1 Granite and marble YDK AC beveling machine has been designed to cut and polish straight edge, both upper and lower side with a 45 degree bevel.secial attention has been given to safety
"user's frendlyness" and and maintenance.The machine complies with the European safety standart(CE).The pecularity of the machine is, that it makes beveling from the rear, thus even there is a
diffrence of thicknessbetween the stone's, and they will be bevelled to the same size.High performance and production is made possiple by the use of 16 " heads", 7 straight polishing heads, 1
bevelling diamond,4 bevelling polishing heads, 1 draining head and 3 heads where one can maunt spacial pad's topolish reverseside of the stone.The heads are working independently;therefore they can
be set to the desired finish of the stone.Movement, starting and stopping of the heads will go automatically on the moment the stone is moved to the correct position bywit 2 pairs of multi
functional heads, which can be set to an angle from 0 to 90 degree.Gauging as well as rain dripper, bull nose Hollywood bevelare just a few of the possibilties to be cut by a profileddiamond
The Oz-1 Granite and marble YDK AC beveling machine has been designed to cut and polish straight edge, |