Smoke - generatorThe smoke-generator serves to produce smoke in amounts sufficient for continuity of the smoking process. The smoke-generator consist of stainless-steel frame, in which are
installed: a furnace-sleeve with an ignition-heatera gratea rotary chip-feederan ash-pita condensation-containera water and compressed air instalationThe smoke-generator burns 3-10 mm smoking
chips.It has a container for chips with a capacity of 50 l. It is equipped with an electric ignition system. The mixer continually feeds chips into the burning-chamber. The grate has a rotary-comb
which cleans the surface of the grate during operation. The smoke outlet is equipped with a system for sprinkling, and puryifying smoke.The built-in temperature-sensor controls the temperature of
combustion, and in case of the chips catching fire, it automatically activates the extinguishing system. The operation of the smoke-generator is controlled by the microprocessor.
Smoke - generator
The smoke-generator serves to produce smoke in amounts sufficient for continuity of the smoking process.