Pulsation dampener should be used when rapid pressure fluctuation which makes the needle of pressure gauge vibrate and difficult to read. Its unique combination of ball check cut off and a fine
thread choke valve. After installation of the dampener the fine thread check valve should be adjusted to reduce pulsation in the line and needle vibration. Model No Description Thread size Body
Material L1 in L2 in Max WP PSIG Weight Oz 150 BH Male x Female Pipe 1/2" Brass 2.31 0.75 5000 8 150 SH Male x Female Pipe 1/2" 316SS 2.31 0.75 10000 8 150 BO Male x Female Pipe 1/4" Brass 1.73
0.63 3000 6 150 SO Male x Female Pipe 1/4" 316SS 1.73 0.63 5000 6