MY 2016 is designed to inject jam, cream, marmalade etc in to any kind of cakes and confectioneries. The speed of the machine is controllable and capacity of the production is depend on the number
of nuzzles.
The amount of injecting for each nuzzle is adjustable from 2 to 50 grams, even it could be adjusted up to one gram. Each nuzzle has separated piston and injected values are the same. MY2016 is
product from 40 to 12 nuzzles for each, machine according to the customers order. It is equipped with PLC and monitoring system which the operator can do all adjustments on the monitor.
Loading could be manual or automatic in the production line. The product also could be transferred to the packing station by conveyor belt. For the product which should be injected with hot
chocolate or cream, the container is two layers and the temperature is controlled by hot water which is circulated.
This machine has been designed to inject chocolate and marmalade into different kinds of cookies.