1) Extemly minute and fine noodle tissue is formed, because in the process of forming noddle sheets, the Vaccum Noddle Processing Plant press initial routh wheat/rice dough, exhaling the mixed air
by vacuuming. Also any separate/ special maturing apparatus and time is not demanded, because wheat or rice flous mixed homogeneneously with water and a constant temperature is maintained
automatically. 2) For forming minute and fine noddle tissue, the Vacuum Noodle Processing Plant does not need multi-step rollers. That is, as it presses dough with a single roller, the Vacuum
Noodle Processing Plant will not only cost you a cheaper installation expense, but also can be installed on a smaller space of less than 5m(lengh). Besides, as the Vacuum Nodle Processing Plant
forms more minute noddle tissue, the quality of noodle can be maintained for a long theim, the ageing of noodle can be delayed, the period of noodle preservation can be extended. 3) As it is full
automatized, the Vacuum Noodle Processing Plant is simple to operate. In addition, designed so that it can be assembled or disassembled easily, the Vacuum Noodle Plant is convenient for both
cleaing and A/S. 4) When mixing flour, the Vacuum Noddle Processing Plant enables the user / operator to use multi-grains in great quantities and add water a great deal, and as the result, various
item can be produced and qualities can be improved