In a close link with smoke density detector and its SDAT control systems, SteadyGen generator allows no incomplete combustion of woodchips, leading to stable and steady smoke generation. The
woodchips are disintegrated just as much as necessary that results in less woodchip consumption and less emission issues.Perfect drying : the key to the perfect smoking. Drying is not a simple
previous step to the smoking process, but a decisive acting step to determine the quality of the smoking color. HICOOK smoke house makes us of its high speed air-circulation and its unique air-heat
distribution know-how to perform even and rapid drying process throughout the entire chamber, promising the optimum smoking quality and less process time(less weight loss) Cold Smoking SteadyGen
Cold smoking : There are increasing market demands for smoked fish products such as salmon while consumers interests on health issue are surging up.Technically tied up with Lutetia experts(France)
for the effective cold smoking process control, HICOOK offers reliable cold smoking systems with well-proven production know-how.Cold smoking process requires more discreetness for production
factilities because fish should be treated gently and also because cold-smoked fishes normally represent value-added expensive goods. HICOOK team can guide you how and where to go.