High speed multi-purpose double knit machine with a wide range of stitch and top quality finish. All of these furnish high production and easy pattern changing.KILM-72V : 2track cylinder, 2 track
dial cams. KILM-72VA : 4 track cylinder, 2 track dial cams. KILM-72V: Interlock, Double single pique, Mock Rodier Milano Rib, Ponte de Roma, Reversible plaiting KILM-72AV: Single pique, Interlock,
Eightlock, Swiss pique, French pique, Milano Rib, Ponte di roma, and Flat back rib. KILM-AV SERIES(Eight-Look machine) Interlock circular knitting machine with up to multi-feeders
perdiametrical inch for the production of body-size yard goods from 12 inch to 22 inches in diameter.