< 1 The general > Version of new era !, Special designed robot does versatile jobs for small-dia workpieces, from. loading,bending to unloading all for the shortest cycle time with 3 radii
tooling for max 4 assorted workpieces. Remarkable features also includes "swinging-free positioning of workpiece for POB positioning", wider bending area for interference-free motion and compliance
to a workspace with flex-hose, cross-.joint and fittings. High-performance OS of Windows NT offers enhanced power in data communication, self-maintenance monitoring and efficient operation without
loosing easiness of operation as is observed in other popular models. from Opton Model SR III Working capacity Bending power (dia x t) mild steel (TS:30kg/mm2) 4.0 - 12.7/od x 0.8/t Aluminum
(TS:20kg/mm2) Effective work length 150 - 2000 (optional 3000) Bending radius CLR 10 - 50 (CLR 20 for the lowest R1) Stack No of tooling 3 Max bending R difference CLR 15 (R difference between
largest & smallest ) Fitting acceptability End-formed with/without nut & cap, over-coated/-covered Max number of bending points 64 coordination points for 96 PRB steps (interruption included)
Repeatability DBB in mm +/- 0.1 POB in degree +/- 0.1 DOB in degree +/- 0.1 No. of motion axis 5 Type of bending method implemented Compression- and draw-bending Mandrel unit Available as Option
for draw-bending application Productivity (Reference only) Tested at 100mm / DBB 1.5 sec/bend as an average of 10-points bending. 60