PRICE:Loaded on Truck, Our Warehouse,York,PA&& $2,500.00 AS ISStock # 05337Serial # 141007NewApril 1997Type:OK14-12UControl Serial # 141008Submerged Operation Type Using Dielectric FluidMaximum
Longitudinal Travel (X Axis):14"Maximum Cross Travel (Y Axis):12"Maximum Vertical Travel (Z Axis):8"Vertical Sub Slide Travel:12"Maximum Platen to Table:24"Maximum Table Weight Capacity:1,320
Lb.Maximum Ram Load Capacity:150 Lb.Table Size:26"x 14" with (4) T-SlotsRam Platen Size:8" x 7" with (3) T-SlotsWork Tank Size:42" x 24" x 15"Reservoir Capacity:140 GallonsDigital Readout
Resolution:(Z) 0.0001", (X & Y) 0.0002"Power Supply:TurboTech-60MaximumPeakCurrent:63 P.A.Machine Power Consumption:6 KVAControl Power Consumption:9 KVARecommended Operational Floor Space74" F-B
x118" L-R x 92" HighEQUIPPED WITH:3-Axis Digital ReadoutMDI CapabilityWork LightAll Components Wired for 3 Phase, 60 Cycle, 230/460 Volts(4) Cartridge Type Oil Filters for Dielectric Fluid1 HP
Hydraulic Pump MotorPower Ram ElevationAutomatic Oil Level Control with FloatPulsating Flush FeatureDC Ampere Gage Reads:0 to 50DC Volts Gage Reads:0 to 120Operation ManualOverall Size:Machine56"
L-R x 57"F-B x 85" HighControl23" L-R x 30"F-B x 72" HighHydraulicTank44" L-R x 40" F-B x44" HighPhysical Condition is ExcellentControl may have some operational issue