An introduction to wafer grinding The design of the wafer grinding machine is basically inheriting the work principle of a vertical grinding machine. A diamond grinding wheel is fitted to the air
floating spindle. The wafer grinding machine performs vertical grinding on hard and brittle workpieces requiring rigorous surface accuracy and flatness. One evident example is the use of water
surface grinding during semi-conductor processes. This process will decide the minimum sizes for wafer sealing and system sealing. In fact, the rigorous requirements for surface flatness and
roughness in wafer surface grinding can be achieved only by a specially designed wafer grinding machines.The machine employs an air floating spindle fitted with a diamond grinding wheel - the water
is sucked onto an air floating table.
........................................................................................................................................................................ Applications This machine is
designed for precision grinding for various workpiece materials, such as, wafers, ceramics, quartz, glass and gems, etc.
........................................................................................................................................................................ Outsitading features The
motor is built in the air floating spindle. High spindle running accuracy reaches 0.1 ? m. The air floating table meets rigorous requirements for grinding accuracy. Table rotation accuracy reaches
0.1 ? m. Feed resolution on the Z axis is 0.1 ? m. Minimum feed rate is 10 ? m/min. Rapid traverse rate: 300 mm/min. Advanced powerful Fanuc Oi controller features full digital control.
........................................................................................................................................................................ Standard equipment Diamond
grinding wheel Spindle temperature controller Flange Vacuum pump Ceramic vacuum suction table Tool box with tool kits
........................................................................................................................................................................ Optional equipment Precision
air dryer Height gauge