This new packing system was projected for office staples NO.10, 24/6, 26/6 and similar. The system accept the staples strips in any condition, (directly from the production presses or through
a manual charge made by one operator), that can spill baskets of strips directly inside the machine magazine. This line is able to select the strips one by one, to drive them inside the
packing strips machine that is making the packs, (5 + 5 coupled strips x 2 layers = 20 strips of 50 wires = 1.000 staples), and than on request inside the final packing machines
able to make the final carton boxes. All these processes are made automatically without people intervention with a big reduction costs for the final product. We are at disposal for any additional
informaton you may require, thank you.
New office packing system for staples NO 10, 24/6, 26/6 able to pack till 1.200 strips per minute, (60 boxes of 1.000 staples).