"we manufacture energy efficient air heaters". Our air heaters are applicable in twist wrap machines of confectionery industry by heating the wrapper to enable its firm twist and produce a well
wrapped candy/toffee for the market. The unit can be supplied for both single and double twist wrapping and also for lollypop twisting. Tha total power requirement for the air blower + heater
combination is 550 watts/230 volts in case of double twist and 450 watts/230 volts for single twist wrapping as in the case of lollypop. Air outlet temperature can regulated by means of the
regulator provided, to suit your need. We have a long list of fully satisfied clientile in India which can be provided on request. Please feel free to mail us any further clarifications you may
wish to have.
\"we manufacture energy efficient air heaters\". Our air heaters are applicable in twist wrap machines