Duan Kwei Machinery Enterprise Co., Ltd. was set up in 1985.
We have a lot of manufacturing experience, professional skill and can match with the need of market continually to develop a series of blister packing machine, PTP/Alu-Alu package machine, which
has be used on pharmaceutical, food and goods widely. At the same time, we take out patents on our designs.
Most of the bigger pharmaceutical factory in Taiwan had been used our machine loving to pack the goods. In recently year, we get some orders from the overseas market, including the USA, Canada,
Japan, Russia, Thai land, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Israel and Egypt due to the public praise. So the sales volume is over 600 in the world.
In the future, Duan Kwei will focus the design on develop new functional packing machine which could be used in other business