The Besser Tri-Cast is a versatile, three-station dry cast pipe machine capable of producing three different pipe sizes or
shapes in a single production run. The machine manufactures round, arch and elliptical pipe, box culverts, utility vaults and
manhole products such as risers, eccentric and concentric cones and catch basins. Tri-Cast machines are available to
produce pipe 12 through 72 (300 mm1800 mm) in diameter in a maximum of 8 (2.5 m) or 12 (3.5 m) lengths.
The Tri-Cast offers great versatility because one machine can turn out most of a typical plants varied production
requirements. Small runs of several pipe sizes can be made during a day, thereby reducing investment in pallets and
headers. Three different pipe diameters (or other concrete shapes) can be run consecutively on one machine. The threestation
capability additionally allows product feeding, header pressing and stripping to be performed simultaneously.
The simple, rugged design of the
Tri-Cast machine makes it easy to
install, operate and maintain. One
operator can fill and finish three
different products, saving labor and
increasing productivity. The machine
layout permits the operator to stand
and perform all production functions
at floor level, regardless of what
product lengths are being made.
Another person handles the entire
offbearing and form stripping process.
Since the Tri-Cast is situated in a
basic, shallow pit, installation is
simplified, and the low profile
machine design means it can be
housed in a new or existing structure
The Besser Tri-Cast is a versatile, three-station dry
The Besser Tri-Cast is a versatile, three-station dry |