Batch Gravimetric Blender

The BGB batch gravimetric blenders are ideally suited for application on injectrion moulding machine, blow moulding machines and extruders. Slide gates, high precision augers and micro-cell devices ensures that the various components are dosed in the set percentages. The blenders are equipped with individual feed hoppers for each dosing station (virgin, regrind, masterbatch and additives) . Low level sensors can be fitted to detect and warn of material shortage. Materials are transferred one by one into weigh pan using pneumatic slide gates, augers or rotating micro-cells until the set batch weigh is achieved. The batch is transferred into the mixing chamber, mixed before it is transferred into the processing machine throat. 

The BGB batch gravimetric blenders are ideally suited for application on injectrion moulding machine

  • Model Number:BGB
  • Country:Taiwan
  • telephone:886-952-974511
Model Number: BGB
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