Inkjet Printer, a brand new immensely productive printer, is preferredfirstly for the overwhelming superiority: perfect indoor and outdoorprinting, super speed of printing, thermal drying system
and convenientswitch between indoor ink and outdoor ink.
High-speed printing and drying
Inkjet Printer can produce photo image at the speed of 63 square feetan hour.Process of rolling up and laminating could be speeder up afterprinting for the thermal drying system would provide fast
and evendrying .
Flexible ink
with 8 pieces of ink-supplying pipes and xxxxx 4 of them are needed tobe replaced, which offers easy swich between indoor ink and outdoor ink.and the updated design-sealed connecting port ensures
simplicity ofchanging ink cartridges and easy cleaning.
Item Contents
Technology Micro burst technology
Resolution 600x600dpi
Print head (C, M, Y, K) four colors
Ink Dye/pigment water based inks (uses compatible ink cartridges)
Printing width (max) 1520mm(60?)
Media types Self-adhesive PP paper, Photo Paper, backlit film, etc
Speed 2pass 9.7m2/h 3pass 7.4m2/h 4pass 5.5m2h 6pass 4.8m2/h
Software Maintop(English version)
Size 2400mm(W)