Quick recovery of investment
Reasonableprice, low operating costs and high productivity makes the Octopus IIthe ideal choice for all kinds of operations in the digital print.
Speciallyformulated UV inks achieve resistant surface and shiny colours. The inkadheres to flexible media (such as paper, banner, mesh, cardboard,etc.) or to rigid ones (eg. plastics, wood, metal,
glass, etc.). It ispossible to increase adhesion on media by application of specialPrimers coating, that enable to achieve the best results on specificrigid materials.
The inks for Octopus are made by SunJet, part ofSun Chemical, the world's largest ink manufacturer. UFK Inks areformulated and manufactured to the highest specification, includingISO9001:2000
quality and ISO14001 environmental compliance. The inksare specifically formulated in partnership with and approved by KonicaMinolta, ensuring compatibility with the print heads and
excellentjetting reliability.
Perfect print results
Combination of the print heads and specially developed UV inks achieves the best print results.
Our new product islarge format UV printer Octopus II. New improved version of the printerfrom the series of Octopus. It is GRAPO s.r.o.'s answer to the steadilygrowing demand for UV technologies.
This printing machine can be usedfor both rigid and flexible media up to 2000 mm width and 60 mmthickness. Octopus II is equipped with new eight print heads KonicaMinolta. Complete control software
and RIP software together withcolormanagement for CMYK print are developed by company GRAPO. Theprinter is built from automation industry components, selected fortheir high performance and
endurance in longrun operational load.
Highly versatile printer
Becreative as you like. Our printer is professionaly designed printerwhich allows you to do many different things. From small stickers tolarge format banner. Application of sufficiently flexible
inks providesprint outputs for a wide range of indoor and outdoor applications, forexample big posters and banners, windows display, backlit products, carstickers, prints on furniture for design
studios, etc.
The possibilities of our printer are really wide - it is a flexible equipment for creative people.
The new Octopus II is designed to optimize your production process,it is easy to operate, requires easy maintenance and delivers the printspeed you need for your successful business.
The large format Octopus II UV Printer. GRAPO's answer to the steadily growing demand for UV printing technology.
Color & Page: | Multicolor |
Usage: | Prints on any materials |
Plate: | Flatbed Printer |
Type: | Inkjet Printer |
Model Number: | GRAPO Octopus UV Printer |
Brand Name: | GRAPO Octopus UV Printer |
Place of Origin: | Czech Republic |