MGXL602 MGXL502 MGXL402 MGXL302 MGXL301 MGXL202 MGXL201 MGXL200 The printing principle of the Flexo Rotary Label Printing Machine is to transfer the ink from the high precision Anilox roller to
plate, then from the plate to the printing materials directly. It can make stable and high speed printing on cloths, ribbons and paper rolls with the printed result of thick and solid ink layer and
good fastness. The plate cylinders of different circumferences can be easily replaced , to change the printing length. The easy and quick change-over of printing job makes this machine versatile
and save valuable time, reduce wastage and increase productivity. Having EIGHT different configurations in this series enables to choose most suitable solution. Machines are confirming to CE and
TUV quality standards.