Name is covered for the confidentiality. )CC is among the top five Circuit Board facilities in Canada in the standard FR-4 marketplace. In addition, they are currently the top manufacturers of
Thermagon products and are the only Printed Board company in North America to receive ISO 9001:2000. The needs for growth for CC would be to hire additional sales representatives, give the customer
base exactly what they want and use the Just-In-Time method to meet customer demands.CC is presently doing 40% of their sales in USA.Our business booklet is available upon request which including
Vision, History, Ownership, Plant Facilities, Organization, Production, Financial Statements(1997-2002)Opportunity and Growth, Owners Plans, Terms and Price.Protential buyer:1. With Circuit Board
factory/facilities in China or Korea or other developing country;2. Willing to grow and explored their market in North America;3. Have product standard ISO 9001:2000
circuit board
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