Features Specifications: Precision Screen Printer & Supplies (Press A Print)
- Precision Screen Printer System
- Built-in storage rack with fan (for drying screens)
- Built-in Swinging Heat Flash Unit (Dryer)
- Framed Screens (4 two 160-mesh & two 110-mesh)
- Ultra-Violet Screen Exposure Module (Precision)
- Tabletop Exposure Receiver
- Adult Platen
- Youth Platen
- Print-All System Platens (sleeve & pant, shirt pocket, universal)
- Athletic 8 Numbering Kit (9 pre-coated number screens, key frame, storage rack, 3 squeegee)
- 25-lb. weight (for exposure integrity)
- Ray-tek MT-4 Mini temperature gun
Inks (1 quart containers)
- Red (2)
- Black (2)
- White (2)
- Yellow (1)
- Blue (1)
Ink Squeegees
- 6-inch (2)
- 11-inch (3)
- 14-inch (2)
- Ink & Adhesive Remover (Zapper) (2 qts)
- Emulsion Remover (Stripper) (1 qt)
- Dehazer (Ghost Be Gone) (1 qt)
- Screen Wash (1.25 gallons)
- Mesh Degreaser (2 qts)
- Mesh Abrader (half bottle)
- Platen Adhesive (2 pints)
- Screen Opener spray (2 qts)
- Ultimate Black Spray (1 qt.)
- Blockout (1 small bottle)
Miscellaneous Supplies
- Art Board with Foam
- Spray hose and nozzle (for washing screens)
- Cleaning Brush
- 16 Adhesive paper
- Spatulas & ink spreader (4)
- Strapping Tape (1)
- Plastic Masking Tape (blue & white)
- Mylar Sheets (8)
- Practice Squares (small bundle)
Instructional Materials
- Instructional Notebook
- 3 Instructional Training Videos (dated 2003)
- 1 Instructional Training DVD (dated 2006)