Double Acting Fully Automatic Flat Bed Fusing Press features separate air systems for closing and pressing operation, and continually adjustable working pressure. Press is designed for bench
mounting and it can operate from a standard shop air supply. This compact machine is ruggedly built and competitively priced within reach of even the smaller operator. The OK-150 Flat Bed Fusing
Presses have been developed by Practix Mfg. With the specific purpose of providing the textile industry users with a reliable yet affordable production oriented machine, thus filling the
availability gap, which previously existed on the domestically made Fusing Equipment market. Each Practix fusing press is beautifully handcrafted and quality built to last, with attention to
engineering detail until now unavailable in its price range. Proprietary heated platen design guarantees excellent uniformity of temperature distribution across the entire working surface, as well
as an extremely efficient heat transfer. All machine functions are conveniently controlled from a front mounted control panel. Specifications: Connected Load (kW) 4.8 1-phase Flat Bed Dimensions
(in) 20 x 50 Working Pressure (psi) 2.5 90-psig Fusing Temperature (F) 450 Overall Dimensions (in) Length 50 Width 35 Temperature Control Accuracy (F) 5