Price: US$468
Shipping: Free to US, Charge lowest shipping fees to worldwide other regions
We have warehouses in US, Canada, and HongKong.
For US customers, we will ship the item from NewYork.
For Canada customers, we will ship the item from Toronto.
For other customers, we will ship the item from HongKong.
Features Include:
Characters set specially for international credit card with ISO standard.
Simple operation
Accepts CR80 ISO card
1- 11 emboss lines (ABA standard)
A-Z, 0-9 large numeric, 0-9 small numeric, :-/$.,& characters
2 Intervals - 1/7 '' 1/10 '' (only for small character).
Card position guide
Volume :L340 x W270 x H165mm.
Weight :Net Weight 9Kg. Total Weight: 10.5KG Approx
Warranty of product is 1 year. we cover defect of craftsmanship and parts.
Designed for use with PVC plastic cards used for banking, health care, security. Financial Format /Five Line /ANSI /for CR-80 Plastic Cards.
10 & 7 Per Inch Spacing, and Hardened Steel Dies & Punches.
68 characters inside the machine, including:
21 big characters (height: 4.6mm, width: 2.9mm) ? $ $ 0-9 N O . - / ( )
45 small characters (height: 3.2mm, width: 2.0mm) 0-9 A-Z & . , - / ( )
2 ? , ? , these are correcting character.
It is operated by inserting a card into the unit and selecting the embossing start position and line to be embossed.This position is indicated on a dummy card mounted on the side of the unit.The
characters to be embossed are then selected one at a time from the character dial and embossed by pulling the lever on the side of the unit.The unit can be used on both plain and magnetic stripe
cards including those with signature panels. It is ideal for personalising and enhancing the look of cards produced using a dye sublimation colour plastic card printer.
We can ship item from our warehouses in NewYork, Toronto, HongKong. Low shipping fees and fast shipping..
embossed machine
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