the cleaning system.
results in modest upkeep and maintenance requirements which are necessary to operate
cleaning jobs. The use of most modern technologies combined with a well devised design
- The universal use of the cleaning furnace permits a high rate of utilization for various
gentle treatment the parts immersed.
for operators. Uniform heat-up and low motion of the bath medium ensure an optimum
- Fluidized aluminium oxide is neutral and non-toxic. Consequently there are no health hazards
Depending on the kind of tool and polymer, cleaning will be completed after 45-90 minutes.
- High degree of availability of tools due to short cleaning cycles.
The Fluidized-Bed Cleaning Furnace : Fast, Safe, Economical.
The Advantages
The fluidized-bed cleaning furnaces are available in a wide range of sizes with different
mechanical damage.
In this way metal parts are cleaned with care and without being subject to thermal or
air. The process will then continue until all organic constituents are completely removed.
removed by thermal decomposition which is aided by the oxygen content of the fluidization
the aluminum oxide. Heat-up of the parts is completely uniform. Any polymer is now
The heat from the heating system is directly transferred to the immersed parts by way of
starts immediately after immersion of the parts to be cleaned.
the top by lowering a basket or individual parts into the retort. The cleaning process
An insulated housing prevents any unnecessary loss of heat. The retort is loaded from
fluidization air to enter into the retort evenly, thus fluidizing the aluminum oxide.
means of hot off-gas. The incorporated porous bottom diffusion plate allows the
The retort forms the heart of the cleaning furnace. It is either heated electrically or by
Operating Principle
transformed into gas.
matter of the polymer sticking to the pieces to be cleaned, is thermally decomposed and
These features ensure a rapid cleaning cycle with reproducible results. The organic
conditions and optimum thermal conductive properties develop throughout the retort.
Physically, the whirled-up (fluidized) medium behaves like a liquid. Uniform temperature
and motion (fluidized-bed).
The even flow produced, causes the medium particles to achieve a state of suspension
atmospheric pressure, is blown into the retort via a porous bottom plate (patented).
is filled with fine-grain aluminium oxide (Al2O3) Compressed air, slightly above
excellent characteristics of fluidisable solids such as aluminium oxide. The retort
The fluidized-bed system is based mainly on the principle of being able to use the
The Technology
Tools and Machine Parts
Cleaning of tools and machine parts from extrusion and injection moulding operations.
Tools and Machine Parts Cleaning of tools and machine parts from extrusion and injection moulding operations. |