Below are a few maps on how to get to Grimm Brothers Plastics Corp:
We are serving the needs of the following industries: medical, fitness, industrial, recreation, appliance, food and beverage, and business machines.
Currently Curt Grimm is President, Kent Grimm is Vice President and Larry Moser is Sales & Marketing Manager.
We are now operating in a 85,000 square foot building as Grimm Brothers Plastics Corporation in Wapello, Iowa.
The first machine was a vacuum-former, which the brothers retrofitted into a pressure-former. Through Kent and Curt's excellent engineering skills, the business has continued to grow. We are currently meeting a wide variety of needs for our customers.
As a result of the show, they made a recommendation to their cabinet buyer to replace the current cabinet with a plastic one. The client approved, and a pressure forming company out of Chicago was selected to mold the cabinets. With the experience of having an outside source make the cabinet, Grimm Brothers discovered the opportunity to become involved in pressure forming.
serving following industries: medical, fitness, industrial, recreation, appliance, food and beverage, and business machines.
serving following industries: medical, fitness, industrial, recreation, appliance, food and beverage, and business machines. |