now available for older Sliver Sizer Removers.
The Sliver Sizer Remover is widely used for removing slivers, fines, and chips; precision sizing and grading; de-juicing and deseeding; and removing debris. It operates efficiently for both small whole product and pieces such as cubes, dices, slices, wedges, fries, spears, sticks, and julienne strips.
The Sliver Sizer Remover is a unique rotary-style machine that transfers product and separates/removes targeted material using a series of precision-machined stainless steel rollers. The size for separation or removal, selected by the customer, is determined by the gap between rollerstargeted product falls through the rollers and exits beneath the machine, while remaining material moves on to downstream equipment over the tops of the rollers.
The Sliver Sizer Remover is a unique rotary-style machine
The Sliver Sizer Remover is a unique rotary-style machine |