Make it part of your preventative maintenance program. As effective as acid, yet safe enough to hold in your hands and dispose of through normal plant sewers, UltraScale-Away descaler is the fast, economical, and sensible solution to your rust, lime, and water scale problems.
UltraScale-Away vs Acid CleaningFast-acting UltraScale-Away thoroughly cleans your equipment in a matter of hours. There are less labor costs involved, too. The easy-to-use premixed solution can be handled by regular personnel: no specialized cleaning crew is necessary, and there is no need for costly dismantling of equipment. Just pour in and circulate it to ensure all passages are flushed with UltraScale-Away.
UltraScale-Away is non-corrosive to metals. It will not pit, oxidize, or adversely affect iron, steel, stainless, copper, brass, plastic, rubber, fiber, and other materials. It is completely safe for boilers, pipes, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, evaporators, turbines, condensors, and other equipment when used as directed.
SafeNow you can clean boilers and other water-operated equipment as effectively as you can with acid compounds...but without the hazard. UltraScale-Away is non-flammable and non-toxic: it can even be held in your unprotected hands with no injury to skin. It's also safe for the environment. This USDA and FDA approved solution is biodegradable and can easily be disposed of through a normal plant sewer.
EffectiveWhen boilers and water-operated equipment develop mineral deposits, performance can suffer dramatically. UltraScale-Away effectively eliminates water scale, lime, and rust deposits. Just one gallon of UltraScale-Away will dissolve two pounds of lime to keep equipment running at peak performance, and can even extend the life of the equipment with a regular preventative maintenance program.
UltraScale-Away descaler is a liquid solvent designed to dissolve and eliminate water scale, lime, and rust that inevitably accumulates on your water-operated equipment. This non-hazardous solution not only effectively and safely cleans your equipment, but also saves money, improves efficiency and can extend the life of boilers, valves, pumps, heat exchangers and other water side units.
Non-Hazardous Descaler
The solution to water scale, lime, and rust problems.
UltraScale-Away Non-Hazardous Descaler The solution to water scale, lime, and rust problems. |