GOURMET CUBES: MODELS MC/EC/AC/CD - Round bell shaped cube - 20gThis is the SUPERCUBEand for good reason - it is pure, solid and crystal clear. Each cube isindividually made. It will enhance the
presentation of any drin, slowto melt and will not affect the quality of the drinks. The rangeof machine sizes is huge, from 24.5 kg units for use in coffee shopsright upto the 660 kg unit for
large hotels and restaurants.A rule of thumb when selecting an ice machine of the correct size foryour restaurant is to provide your patrons with 500g per person per day.SUPER DICE CUBES : MODELS
MV - Square chocolate slab cubes - 13gThe Super dice cubes has six sides and provides a large contact surface area for fast cooling, and excellent displacement.The range covers 130 kg to 485 kgs
and is commonly found in chainrestaurants and bars all over the world. In fact this shape of cube isthe most widespread ice form globally. SCOTSMAN being a key player in this distribution. The MV
range is a workhorse. Designed to operate 24/7/365 with littleattention needed other than basic cleaning and maintenance. Thismachine was designed with effectiveness in mind and assures you
ofoverall better value.