" Designed as multifunctional granulator to grind runners & small articles. " Good Grind quality with staggered rotor system. " Low power consumption saving power. " Mounted with high quality
alloysteel blades to grind all grades of plastics. Capacity depends on type of materials, scrap size & shape. Model :Model PMS-150 PMS-200 PMS-300 No. of Blades Rotary-08 Fix -02 Rotary-08Fix-02
Rotary-6Fix-02 Throat Size 150 x 150mm 200 x 200mm 300 x 300mm Grinding Capacity* 20 to 25kgs/hr 30to 35kgs/hr 40 to 50KGS/hr Power Reqd. 1.5 HP 2 HP 3 HP Suitable for Grinding Instant grinding of
runners, sprues & small bottles Instant Grinding of small articles, & smallblow containers Instant grinding of blow moulded containers & pinch offs.