Designed specifically for the high output needs of the toll Pulverizing system environment the twin model. Incorporates one primary mill and one secondary mill to pulverize materials at higher rates typically found on much larger systems.
This single mill puveriser system is designed for small who need quick clean downs and color changes for smaller runs.
All Thermoplastic materials used in the plastic moulding industry all are pulverized into high quality powder with superior flow characteristics. High bulk density, narrow particle size distribution and excellent particle shape Master Bach compounding, R PVC, LDPE Coating, EVA, and LLDPE for Rotomoulding, HDPE etc.
Shree Momai has Designed, Manufactured and Delivered Pulveriser Systems around India since 1992. Shree Momai designs and manufactures flexible equipments which can evolve with your current business.
Dynamically balanced high speed blower
Dynamically balanced high speed blower |