TRIPET TST 201 CNC INTERNAL GRINDER WITH 4-SPINDLE TURRET NEW 1994 .12" - 6" Grinding Diameter 7.9" Grinding Lenth 18.9" Max Table Travel 45/-30 Degree Workhead Angular Setting 75 - 1300 RPM
Workhead Speed Range (4) Spindle Turret with 15,000, 45,000, 75,000 and 125,000 Spindles Rotary Dresser Programmable CNC Controlled Swivel of Grinding Wheel Turret Programmable CNC Controlled
Swivel of Workhead Paper Coolant Filtration System TSP 3000 Conversational Control, 4-axis (X, U, Z and B Axis), RS 232 Port
Tripet, No. TST-201, 6" Bore, 7.9" Str, Rot Dress, 4-Axis CNC, 4-Spdl, TSP3000 CNC, (1994) [081308