Knife peeler, type KP 130/200For completely dry and clean peeling of round and ovalProducts such as potatoes, red beets, celeriac etcThe knife peeler is a continuously operating machine.Product is fed through four in-line fitted peelingDrums by means of a rotating auger system.Each drum is provided with knife plate holders withKnives, fitted between two ball races.Each drum is driven via a V-belt transmission and traversing wheels.All motors are frequency controlled ensuring that the peeling time and speeds of the drum can be set optimal.Product is delivered into the machine through a wideReception chute. The outfeed side is also providedWith a chute.The product leaves the peeler completely clean-peeled (without peels left-on).Peeling waste is collected underneath the machine and from there fed-away.
Knife peeler, type KP 130/200
For completely dry and clean peeling of round and oval
Products such