Continuous Mixing is a process in which dough is mixed without interruption. Streams of dry and liquid ingredients are fed accurately and continuously into the mixer. The ingredients are wetted and
pre-blended before entering the mixer. The dough is worked as it moves down the length of the cylinder. At the discharge of the mixer, fixed-size loaves of dough are cut continuously and moved to
the downstream equipment arriving at the correct time in the correct size.MAPL who are pioneers in the field of industrial automation and manufacture of machinery for various bulk handling systems
like flour, sugar, liquids,etc. have come out with yet another system for accurate and continuous mixing of the dough mainly for biscuit, bread, cookies and confectionery industries. This can also
be used in dairy, chemical and pharmaceutical applications. Benefits of Continuous Mixer :- Increased Productivity. Consistent product Quality. Cost Saving archived. Reduced wastage.