Multifunctional confectionery complex ?CreaSweet? comprises all the possibilities of product manufacturing by baking or cooling method with the help of molding, gear-type, screw-type and
roller-type feeding systems. The ?CreaSweet? complex consist of two lines: Heating(baking) and cooling. It is not a secret that confectionery products are manufactured in two ways: by baking or
cooling of the masses for their drying. The main difference of the complex ?CreaSweet? with any other line or complex is that, it is the most flexible way of using all the types of confectionery
and cheese products making methods by baking and cooling.
The standard set of ?CreaSweet? comprises of:
- piston injection feeding unit designed for masses from liquid form to liquid dough form for sponge cake;
- gear-type two-component feeding unit designed for sponge-cake dough and short dough;
- screw-type two-component feeding unit for more thick masses (from short dough to gingerbread and hemotogen masses with filling).
All these heads can be used in a cold line in the following variations.
- piston injection head for marmalade or chocolate glaze;
- gear-type two-component head for marshmallow, souffle or the masses of thickness like cooked condensed milk;
- screw-type two-component feeding unit for coconut mass, nougat, toffee with filling, products like bars with fillings.
All three heads have unified:
- electrical connections
- mechanical fastenings
- pneumatic connections
- alignments and fittings on the base