Available Plant Capacity:
9. LX-652: Automatic Band sealing machine with conveyor to seal pouch after filling candies.
8. LX-04: Automatic Pouch packing machine with vibratory filler to pack candies in pouches.
7. LX-606: Semi Automatic filling machine with single head weigher to fill candies in pouches.
6. LX-55: Automatic Pouch packing machine with 10 Head combinational Multi head weigher for packing candies in pouches.
5. LX-54: Automatic Pouch packing machine with 4 Head linear weigher for packing of candies in pouches.
b) Packaging machines:
a) Processing Machines:
Machine Model List:
Centre filled Candy manufacturing is a simple process. The candy mass is cooked by vacuum batch cooker or continuous vacuum cooker. The cooked mass is collected on water circulating cooling table for cooling. At this stage colour, flavour and other ingredients are added to the batch. The mass is then passed through rotary Kneading machine to ensure uniform distribution of ingredients in a hygienic way. Once candy mass is cooled and mixed properly it is then transferred to the Batch former attached to a centre filler machine so that the paste/liquid prepared separately beforehand, gets filled in the centre portion of the candy mass. The thick uniform centre filled mass produced is fed into the rope sizer to form a uniform rope of the required size. This rope is then fed into the candy forming machines where candies are formed in required shape, size and weight. The formed Candies are discharged on the cooling conveyor which cools them so that they may be wrapped and packed further. The formed candies after cooling are packed by packing machine like pillow pack, single twist or double twist machine.
Manufacturing Process:
Center filled candy is a special type of hard boiled candy having filling of fruit juice, chocolate paste etc.
Labh Group offers complete turnkey plants for manufacturing Center filled candy.
Center filled candy plant a complete turnkey s
Brand Name: | LABH |
Place of Origin: | India |