Cencorp 1000 SR ( Off-Line Depaneling Router)
The Cencorp 1000 SR defines your path to success. With a strong emphasis on ergonomics, ease of use, and modularity, this machine represents the next generation of stand-alone depaneling from
Cencorp, the market leader for over 25 years.
The Cencorp 1000 SR defines precision and control. Precision is engineered into this flexible depaneling platform. With a precision-machined base and servo gantry, this system has the capability
and reliability demanded by today's competitive market. The platform's modular concept allows Cencorp to match your machine to your needs, maximizing return on investment. Add linear encoders for
high accuracy applications. Router or saw cutting devices accommodate v-scored or pre-routed panel designs.
Easy tooling changes combined with the optional automatic fixture verification make this system a perfect fit for high mix environments. Upgrade to dual pallets for capacity equal to in-line
systems . Process control leads to quality and no other depaneling method matches the Cencorp 1000 SR for low stress and accurate pcb singulation.
The machine's unique operator load and unload station presents the product at an ergonomic 45-degree angle, reducing operator fatigue and physical stress. This attention to detail extends
throughout with features like conductive start switches, automatic sliding doors, noise suppression and a touch screen user interface. The Cencorp control software and easy-to-use graphical user
interface run on an industrial PC with the Windows? XP operating system.
Cencorp 1000 SR ( Off-Line Depaneling Router)