Name / Model:Supplier:BDC Corporation Sdn. Bhd.Description:Medintech Tandem inlaid sheet has the same homogeneous vinyl wear layer as Medintech flooring, with a felt backing for a lower overall
installed cost and for use below grade level. The product has been updated and features the same new colors and patterns as Medintech as well as the new urethane protective finish.2mm Polyurethane
Coated Inlaid Sheet (Manufactured in North America)Homogeneous wear layer composition, plus a felt backing for use on concrete slabs with higher moisture levels.Protective polyurethane finish
improves initial and ongoing maintainability and increases scuff resistance.Unique Medintech patterned weld rods.Very good durability and resilience.We have an updated selection of weld rod colors
that are compatible with our vinyl sheet floors products, including our new product introductions. No matter what color Armstrong weld rod you choose, you can be assured that heat-welding blocks
the penetration of dirt and moisture for cleaner looking, more aseptic seams. Let you imagination guide your color choice, or, use the information in this section of our Product Catalog to help you
select coordinated floor and rod colors.Usage:healthcare, education and institutional spacesColor30 colors, that reflect current global design trends