Volgo-vyatskaya Export-import Company
General Director Yury Kirichenko
Precision Gear Hobbers of the Russian production (544m, 546m)
Precision Gear Hobbers target at exactness (0.7") clean, doing worm- wheels of high exactness, dividing tooth of wheels of machines of grinds, turning the tables of the
co-ordinate (XY) intensifying machine- instruments, turning astronomic devices and other instruments.
Basic descriptions:
544m 546m
Exactness of work is in creation
worm-gear (second angle) - 1,5
Diameter of work (mm) - 500-2000
Amount of the done teeth on and circumference -
90-500 120-800
Diameter of surface of table (mm) - 2500
Vertical motion of support (mm) -
Maximal loading on and table (kg) -
10 000 40 000
Sizes of machine-tool ( length is and height of width ) (mm) -
Mass of machine-tool (kg) - 51000
We ask to turn Your attention! It is especially exact machine-tools, precision. Unassisted CNC exactness of work is in creation worm-gear (second angle) 1,5 (544m) and 0,7
(546m). There are only two machine-tools in Russia, which can make such large and exact details.
For and sale two machine-tools are together. Price 1 100 000 USD (EXW). This equipment belongs to our holding. Other suggestions are falsification.
Also we sell Longeron crank press K4548 (effort of 6300 tons, weight of 1100 tons, length of and table of 12 metres). (used, 1988 made, 1 year worked - in 2005)
Press is intended for punching lea large-sized details of the extended form of type of the automobile longerons demanding application of various operations of cold punching. - price 3 000 000
Dear Sirs!
Russian company sell precision gear hobbers and longeron crank press K4548
Place of Origin: | Russian Federation |